Another success story in Hollywood is Harrison Ford’s. He started as one of the carpenters for backstage props. He then made a brave move to step forward and found out that he could actually do it. He has played roles in many successful Hollywood films, including “Witness”, “Air Force One”, and “The Fugitive”.Five decades later, he’s still one of the few actors who can give life to any movie credit he scores.

Ford reprised the role of Han Solo in “Star Wars: The Force Awakens”, and this movie was as successful as before. Through the years, he was able to earn a well-deserved $230 million net worth. In his years in the industry, we have yet heard any instances that this man filed for bankruptcy. We can only assume that he has been a good steward of his wealth, has made suitable investments, and a wise move of protecting his income with several insurance policies.


One of today’s most successful musicians is Abel Makkonen Tesfaye, or famously known as The Weeknd. He hit the stardom with the help of a YouTube post that he uploaded in 2010. It was then endorsed by Drake, who is also an equally famous rapper, to be followed by a brilliant collaboration with Ariana Grande and Lana Del Ray.

Now, The Weeknd hits a current net worth of $70 million with all the right decisions and hard work he credits to. Of course, he did get a handful of opportunities and help that he bravely and humbly received. As of late, he is also considered to be one of the highest-earning musicians today. From here, we can only guess how it’ll just get better for this guy, of course, with more smart investment decisions and income protection efforts on his end.
