Sally Bliss or professionally known by her peers in show business as Carla Balenda is a retired film and television actress. She was one of the top options when it came to supporting casts during her acting days from the mid-40s until the 60s. After being nominated as Sally Bliss for “a few minor roles in RKO production”, she changed her name to Carla Balenda. She explained: “Sally Bliss is so cute. I’m not cute at all. The name may impress me, maybe because he is a talented person-I am not that kind.”

Balenda later hit the high side of her career after she joined the cast of The Mickey Rooney Show as Pat and as Betty Leonard in the 1950s series The Adventures of Dr. Fu Manchu. Even though her career was shorter than most would expect, there weren’t any reports stating that she got involved in any issues, especially in her finances. Probably she had good money management skills that helped her get through after she stepped out from the limelight.
