Novak Djokovic is a professional Serbian tennis player. As of today, he is the world’s number 1 ranked by the Association of Tennis Professionals (ATP). Impressively, the athlete remained in this rank for 301 weeks and has won 17 Grand Slam singles titles. Due to his different achievements, Novak became famous not only in tennis but also as an endorser for high-end brands.

As one of the world’s foremost tennis players, Novak’s lifestyle is sure to come with a number of different perks. A good example of this would be the sizable paychecks that he receives during matches or for doing promotional work—it enables him to live comfortably and with style. Just take his 4,140-square-foot property located in Miami. This residence comes with 5 bedrooms and stunning views of the ocean from its terrace; just what he needs during downtime. Other amenities include pools, a spa, a gym, and an outdoor Fugo bar. We’re sure he didn’t need money loans for this one!
