Anthony Geary is one of the notable actors in Hollywood, although his secret to the craft is somewhat uncanny. He might have been joking in an interview when he said that being a liar helped him in acting. Now, this might be an unusual technique but it’s undoubtedly useful for him. We cannot judge him personally for this claim, of course. His friends and family, on the other hand, are vouching that he is a good and respected man.

Given that the actor prefers living in Amsterdam, it wasn’t too surprising when he decided to put this 2,414-square-foot Hollywood Hills home on the market. The property comes with three bedrooms, 2.5 bathrooms—and it was first bought in 1982 for a mere $262,500. It has been left neglected and may even appear abandoned to outsiders, but a bit of remodeling and updating should bring it back to life. Besides, the view of the canyon from this home isn’t something you can put a price tag on. Aside from redesigning, increasing its current home security will also be beneficial.
