From Disney star to global superstar, there’s no doubting the fact that Demi’s net worth has increased significantly since. Where does someone as young as her invest some of that money? Into some prime real estate, of course. Demi has certainly made smart decisions with the money that she’s earned throughout her career and it can be seen with her purchase of this gorgeous property. Her 5,546-square-foot home features 4 bedrooms and 6 bathrooms. It comes with floor-to-ceiling glass windows, taking full advantage of the views provided by the Hollywood Hills, truly a combination of a million-dollar house with a million-dollar view!

This comes with a hefty price tag, though– $3.8 million to be exact when it was first bought. The house is currently on the market for those interested in new investments. However, the singer-songwriter has yet to confirm whether she’s looking for a house of the same size or bigger.
