For someone who sung praises about NYC in one of her songs, Alicia Keys actually doesn’t currently live in the Big Apple. Instead, she spends her days in a property in New Jersey, one that covers 25,000 square feet. The house comes with everything she might need—without having to leave. It has 8 bedrooms, 14 bathrooms, a recording studio, a theatre, an indoor pool, and a bowling alley.

The singer/songwriter certainly didn’t skimp out on the basic amenities and personal luxuries that this home has. Its current value is at $14.9 million, but she originally bought it for $10.4 million from actor Eddie Murphy, another equally tasteful celebrity that has a number of stunning properties worth looking at. With such luxurious amenities within the property, we hope she includes extra home security as well! The house does seem to be properly secured and has enough clearance to make any kind of exterior upgrades that the owner desires.
