The Barrymore family, where Drew was born, is a performing family that has appeared on the list of Forbes magazine. In 1975, two months after Drew was born, her father John Barrymore Jr. left. Her mother Edico Gide was impoverished and could only make money from her daughter’s surname, so the 11-month-old Drew was taken to participate in the first commercial filming of her life.

Drew Barrymore’s origins in the entertainment industry seem mysterious to most of us since she had been acting long before home security systems were a thing, but the 1990s saw a pretty wild time for the young performer who went out with a few celebrity bad boys, modeled for Playboy, and was close with Courtney Love and Liv Tyler. Barrymore has two daughters of her own, but she had been divorced thrice. Her divorce attorney helped her finalize the most recent one back in 2016. She continues to appear in films, earning movie credits in the romantic comedy film genre.
