Kevin Costner – Environmentalist

Kevin Costner is one of the most successful actors that Hollywood has ever seen. We’re pretty sure that he was already in-demand as an actor when the Deepwater horizon unfolded. Ironically, Costner used his resources to form a company called Ocean Therapy Solutions. The company found a unique way to separate oil from water, and it was a no-brainer for Costner to offer the technology to the people that were affected by the Deepwater Horizon disaster.

Kevin Costner definitely deserves a ton of credit for using his millions to fund a much-needed environmental cause. Costner is definitely the human personification of the quote “Don’t judge the book by its cover,” as we would have never expected a wealthy action star to care about mother nature the way he does. With Costner’s technology, humanity now has a chance to undo all the damage that oil-related environmental disasters have caused and will cause in the future!
